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Happy Holidays
  iD.iNsky, Dec 07 2007

Hey guys I decided to do a quick write up here at work, since it is so slow today.

First off just wanted to say sorry bigredhoss that I owned you in tic tac toe(maybe next time big guy).

Poker has been going well for me as of late; I just hit a little over 7k BR last night, which is sweet. My goal is to hit 8k and then cash out 3k, I am also going to be staking a friend of mine for 50NL. He’s a good tight live player and has only played a little online, but I know his tight style will at least make him a winning player on the lower stakes.

I have no real motivation to move up any higher than 200NL because of a few reasons: I have no problem admitting that I most likely would not be able to beat 400NL+; I am very contempt on playing 100-200NL and making a few extra K a month; also I don’t want to keep much money online at a certain time(who know when ill have one of my epic black out night).

That’s it for now and good luck to every and happy holidays,
And special thanks again to my staker who got me started again 

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50NL and snow
  iD.iNsky, Nov 20 2007

So with the first snow fall it’s keeping people out of the bank so I have even less work than I normally do(So I decided to do a quick write up). I received a stake of 1k for 50NL and the deal was set for 60buyin, 30 each(1500/1500).
So I completed the stake on Friday and it’s a good feeling seeing I am this persons 1st successful stake out of like 10 staking attempts. Of course I ran well having a few 10+ buyin days and a 14buyin Omaha night, but I have also put in a ton of hands. I have been 8tabling for a minimum of 4 hours a day (I put in more hands in that last two and a half weeks then in any one month before). I averaged about 4 buyin’s a night which is running good but its nothing that is out of the ordinary on 50NL.
My bank roll is at 2500 right now and I think I might grind out 50NL for the rest of the month with a few stabs at 100NL. My goal is to have a solid bank roll for 100NL by the end of the month. That is all for now and I hope I can keep cruising thru the micro stakes for awhile. Thanks for reading


I would also like to give thanks to all the people who offered to stake me, it was much appreciated.

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  iD.iNsky, Nov 09 2007

(Flame away I am ready for it)
Hey guys, I am doing this post because I am looking for a stake. Heres a little about my poker career; I by no means think I am a good/great player but I know I am a decent winning player at the low limits(also always looking to learn more). I made 2 good runs in poker one being on AP about 7 months ago where I ran a 600$deposit into 6.5k playing 25NL-100NL in about 4months, which I had to cash out to put down on my car and also pay for my cruise and a trip to san Diego this past summer.
My biggest faults as you can read in my past posts are that I used to have a problem playing drunk. I have not played drunk since those posts(hens my run on AP), and also as most tilt on occasion which I am a lot better at(I more or less think its funny now).
I normally would ask for a stake but am strapped for cash right now becuase i am going to be buying a house soon.
All that being said I am looking for a stake for 20NL-50NL
Thanks for your time

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